Cookie Consent by
Your organisation
Event type
Event type
Contact details
ontact details
All done!
All done

Organisation name

We need the organisation name to identify and differentiate your organisation from others.

Event type

Selecting the event type will make customisation hassle-free and provide tailored advertising options for your audience.


Upload you logo or crest and select the primary colour of your brand to help create a visually appealing representation of your organisation (you can always change these later).


An error occured while uploading your file. Please check your information and try again, or contact support if the error persists.


We recommend PNG format with transparent background

Contact details

We need this to send you a personalised quote and assist you with any questions you may have.

Contact person
Organisation address

Club/event reach

We need the organisation name to identify and differentiate your organisation from others.

Can’t find your league?

Enter it here and we’ll add it to our library:

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It looks like there's already an account with contact person email address.

An error occurred while processing your request. Please check your information and try again, or contact support if the error persists.

Thank you!

Your quote is on the way!

You've successfully completed the sign-up process. We’ll send you your custom quote in 24 hours to the email address you’ve provided.

Please be advised that the account verification process may take up to 24 hours before you can successfully create an account and set a password.

We kindly request that you refrain from attempting to log in before this verification is complete. Sit back, relax, and we'll notify you as soon as your account is ready for access!

What’s next?

You can go ahead and create your first event page and try everything Zeeon X has to offer.

Don’t worry, if you don’t have time or motivation to carry on right now. Click on the ‘just send me the quote’ and come back to it later.

And remember, we're here to help if you need any assistance.
Schedule a call